Going legit for November….
For the last several months, I’ve been spending almost as much time traveling for my robotics work as I’ve spent at home, which has made it a bit tough to keep up a regular performance schedule. I’m excited to be back in town for a few weeks and even more excited to announce that I’ll be performing in a voice recital on Sunday, November 14 at 4pm. The fare will be more classical (that’s “legit” to you hep cats out there) than my usual repertoire, but will feature some extraordinary singers performing a great program. On top of that, admission is free!
Who: Steven Chemtob, Amalia Francalangia, Shannon Kao, and Kjerstin ‘KJ’ Williams
What: A Studio Voice Recital featuring the students of Desiree LaVertu performing works by Donizetti, Finzi, Moses Hogan, Mozart, Puccini, Vaughan Williams, and others
Where: Bird Studio, Occidental College, Eagle Rock, CA
When: Sunday, November 14, 4pm
Map to Occidental College
Campus map
As always, you can stay up to date by subscribing to the calendar!
Posted: October 21st, 2010 under News, Performances.